ࡱ> ]`\e bjbj 8Xebeb  <<<<<PPP8TP'&&&&&&&$(+&<&<<&!!!F<<&!&!!##pHY#&&0'#,+,f+,#$+,<$t!&&Q'+, B : СƵ Academic Misconduct Cover Sheet Marker to complete Section A and Investigating Officer (IO) to complete Section B for each case of academic misconduct on module owned by School. (If IO is Marker or Academic Advisor then refer to another School IO). IO to forward Evidence File as follows: No case: forward Evidence File (including assessment and attached original Academic Misconduct Cover Sheet) to Curriculum Assessment Officer. First case of collusion or plagiarism (where SSRO have confirmed no previous case of academic misconduct): return Evidence File (including assessment and attached original Academic Misconduct Cover Sheet) plus a completed First Case of Collusion/Plagiarism Form to Module Convenor with Guidance for Module Convenor meeting with student. Forward copy of Academic Misconduct Cover Sheet to SSRO. All other cases of suspected academic misconduct: forward Evidence File (including assessment and attached original Academic Misconduct Cover Sheet) to SSRO. cc Academic Misconduct Cover Sheet to Curriculum Assessment Officer to issue Investigation of Academic Misconduct letter in all cases. For further details of Investigating Officer responsibilities see Flowchart 1:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sussex.ac.uk/adqe/standards/academicmisconduct" http://www.sussex.ac.uk/adqe/standards/academicmisconduct Section A: Marker to complete Candidate Name Candidate Number Degree Course and Year of Study Module Code and Title Module Convenor Marker (if not Convenor) Assessment component and Weighting e.g. ESS/CWK 25% Credits for Module e.g. 15 Level 5 Submission date e.g. S1 wk 10 Thurs Allegation e.g. plagiarism/collusion/exam misconduct/personation Estimated percentage believed to not be the students own work (i.e. percentage subject to academic misconduct).Plagiarism/ Collusion only (not First Case): Minor: Mark given for work believed to be the students own or correctly referenced (plagiarism). OR Mark given for work not the same as another students (collusion). Major: no mark given.Plagiarism/ Collusion only (First Case): Minor and Major: Mark given for work believed to be the students own or correctly referenced (plagiarism) / not the same as another students (collusion)Mark for work suspected of other types of academic misconduct (should be marked without taking account of suspected misconduct) Section B: Investigating Officer to completeInvestigating Officer decision i.e. Major/Minor/First Case/No Case. (Major and Minor cases to be confirmed by Panel)Any previous misconduct upheld against this student? (Contact the Misconduct Panel Secretary for details). Specify type and date/s. Investigating Officer Name and Date (include reason if referred from owning School IO).  Investigating Officer to provide a brief rationale for decision below (rationale for personation cases provided on form for personation cases): Updated September 2020     (456RWmr~ 6 7 ? 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