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The networks coordinating group, led by Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) Seb Oliver, aims to: cultivate external academic and non-academic partnerships to understand where our research can have the most impact and to achieve this effectively, and facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations to tackle Covid-19 research questions leading to the preparation of projects ready for submission to external funders. In order to support these aims, a call has been launched for expressions of interest to hold virtual sandpits. Sandpits will enable researchers to build coordinated research and innovation communities with the appropriate multidisciplinary skills and expertise to address Covid-19 challenges and shape their research questions. Sandpits will explore how the identified challenges may be addressed, and develop innovative ideas and activities into concrete research projects. Sandpits can involve participants from other institutions and non-academic organisations. Why apply for a sandpit? Members of the coordinating group will be able to provide support to the development of your sandpit, e.g. providing links to expertise from across campus, shaping objectives, and sharing relevant funder intelligence. In addition, a small amount of funding is available to pay for casual research or admin staff to support the sandpit. This funding is available for activities taking place before 31 July 2020. Research Development colleagues may be able to attend your sandpit and advise on potential funding opportunities and funder requirements. Interested applicants are expected to identify potential funders for the projects/challenges being explored and are encouraged to look at the list of  HYPERLINK "https://www.ukri.org/files/research-questions-for-covid-19/" research questions that UKRI are particularly interested in seeing addressed in Covid-19 bids. These questions cover topics such as: data availability, modelling and prediction, AI and automation, national security and geopolitics, engineering, inequalities, behavioural insights, national recovery and transformation, societal resilience, macroeconomics and fiscal situation, employment and work, environment, security and justice, epidemiology, immunology, virology, mental health and wellbeing, contract-tracing, clinical/healthcare management, and treatments and preventative measures. If you are interested in joining the Covid-19 Research Network,  HYPERLINK "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a5632d7f898d8419fb9a357c80f169b94%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=2fecbb0f-53e0-4f7f-98af-48e9ed30e1d3&tenantId=1888e824-febb-4e67-b443-2f33261bc7e4" you can sign up here.   COVID-19 SANDPIT: Call for ideas Expressions of interest should be no longer than 2-3 pages. We would encourage short, succinct applications. Please direct all application queries to Debbie Foy at  HYPERLINK "mailto:D.Foy@sussex.ac.uk" D.Foy@sussex.ac.uk SANDPIT LEADER Name, Title, Department, School SANDPIT TITLE WHAT COVID-19 RESEARCH CHALLENGE WILL THE SANDPIT FOCUS ON?  WHO IS INVOLVED IN THE INITIAL TEAM AND WHAT EXPERTISE DO THEY BRING TO THE CHALLENGE? WHAT AREAS OF EXPERTISE ARE MISSING OR NOT YET ENGAGED (that the Covid-19 Coordinating Group might support you to identify)? WHICH EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS WILL BE INVITED TO ATTEND AND HOW WILL THEY CONTRIBUTE? WHAT ARE THE SANDPIT OBJECTIVES? WHAT WOULD THE OUTCOMES OF A SUCCESSFUL SANDPIT BE?  HAVE YOU IDENTIFIED A FUNDER/CALL AT THIS STAGE? If not, please ensure this is a focus of the sandpit discussion  WHAT ADDITIONAL SUPPORT IS REQUIRED TO DEVELOP AND RUN THE SANDPIT? Please provide details if you are requesting funds to pay for casual research/admin support (noting that funds are only available for activity up to 31 July 2020)  HOW WILL THE SANDPIT BE STRUCTURED AND FACILITATED? WHAT IS THE TIMESCALE FOR THE SANDPIT? Does it need to take place by a specific date in order to tie in to a funding deadline   Please submit this form to  HYPERLINK "mailto:research.initiatives@sussex.ac.uk" research.initiatives@sussex.ac.uk Bids can be submitted at any time and will be reviewed on a weekly basis.      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