ࡱ> 1 Ebjbj <ЅqhЅqh7 4 4 8DVl/(222j/l/l/l/l/l/l/$2m5d/22222/H/D!D!D!2Rj/D!2j/D!D!,h-Ґ ,V//0/,5$5 -,5-l22D!22222// 6222/222252222222224 X :  Request to Human Resources to award/extend an honorary/visitor title See overleaf for details of available titles Details of proposed title holder Family nameForename(s)Title (Dr/Mr/Ms etc)Date of birthNationalityAddress for correspondence Telephone number for contact Email address Details of proposed title/extension of title TitleDepartmentPlease indicate whether new or extensionStart dateEnd date (initial maximum 3 years)If appropriate, during visit funded by: (name of grant body, eg Royal Society)If appropriate, bench fee at the rate of 350 per monthPlease indicate the period  Approval for title If appropriate, request initiated bySigned DateEndorsed by Head of DepartmentSigned DateApproved by Head of School Signed Date  Please provide a CV and reason for the award of the title. TITLES FOR ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS From the Ordinances and Regulations 2012/13: Summary of paragraphs relevant to non-salaried appointments Titles are authorised for use in the University for academic appointments. The award of any titles in different circumstances, or of a title not listed below, requires the approval of the Academic Promotions, Advancements and Titles Committee. Titles are awarded for up to a maximum, but renewable, period of three years except Emeritus titles which are for life. VISITING FACULTY Employed by another HEI (either based at the University for a time-limited period or not based at the University but have regular contact with and make a contribution to the University). There should be a mutual benefit in the award of titles to Visiting faculty. The individual cannot be in receipt of a salary or fee from the University. The title should be at a level equivalent to the academics current post held with their employing HEI. Visiting: Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Tutorial Fellow, Lecteur/Lectrice Visiting: Professorial Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Research Officer, Senior Fellow, Fellow ASSOCIATE FACULTY Staff of independent institutes located in the University Park, carrying out regular, substantial academic duties in the University Non-teaching faculty, in post at least five years, teaching substantially above level normal for non-teaching faculty Former teaching faculty, retired, not employed full-time by another academic institution, contributing to teaching and research in the University on an agreed and regular basis, or whose future contribution would be facilitated by the granting of associate status Not employed by the University but assisting the work of a University unit in an advisory capacity and whose future contribution would be facilitated by the granting of associate status Normally subject to a formal contract specifying the terms of the individuals relationship with the University Honorary: The title Honorary will precede the titles listed and will be awarded to individuals who do not work for an HEI. They should be leaders in their chosen field and should have an association with the University. There should be a mutual benefit in the award of titles to Honorary faculty. The individual cannot be in receipt of a salary or fee from the University. СƵ and IDS: Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Tutorial Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Senior Fellow, Fellow IDS only: Professorial Fellow TEACHING FACULTY WORKING IN CENTRES AND UNITS Associate Fellow Teaching faculty actively participating in the work of a University centre or unit EMERITUS Emeritus Professor and Reader Awarded to Professors and Readers employed by the University on their retirement from the University on the recommendation of the Head of School (or Dean of BSMS). AUTHORITY TO AWARD OR RENEW TITLES All professorial titlesAcademic Promotions, Advancements and Titles CommitteesEmeritus titlesVice-Chancellor, on behalf of Academic Promotions, Advancements and Titles CommitteesHonorary Reader, Honorary Lecturer etcNon-professorial titles except HonoraryHeads of Schools, Dean of BSMSNon-professorial titles (including Associate Fellow) in all other University research institutes, centres and unitsVice-Chancellor FOR ESW USE ONLY (to be completed by staff who proposes the appointment): Name of Proposer If different from Proposer, Name of Mentor Host Research Centre/Cluster/Department What will be the contribution of the visitor to the school, please indicate below (check all that apply):Please give additional details below: Giving a seminar to faculty and students or a guest lecture within an undergraduate or postgraduate course Production of a working paper or equivalent Giving advice to students (e.g. on dissertations, careers) Production of a collaborative research proposal with a member of faculty Other (please give details) Has this appointment been discussed with the following: Please check box and give additional details below: Head of School Head of Department Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange Centre Director/Research Lead  School Administrative Manager/Research and Enterprise Co-ordinator What are the requirements for Space and or Facilities? (Please specify)Please check box and give additional details below: Space in Essex House Access to IT provision (Email/File space/СƵ Direct etc.)Access to Library Other (please specify)  *Please return this form in hard copy to the School Administrator in Room 109, Essex House, or electronically to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.pereira@sussex.ac.uk" a.pereira@sussex.ac.uk. Emails should be copied to the Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange:  HYPERLINK "mailto:eswdrake@sussex.ac.uk" eswdrake@sussex.ac.uk.     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