Academic Quality and Partnerships

Collaborative Provision Approval Sub-Committee

CPASC is a subcommittee of University Education Committee (UEC), with responsibility for:

  • Facilitating the initial approval of new domestic and international collaborative education partnerships and making recommendations to University Executive Team (UET) on whether to give final approval for new partnerships;
  • Receiving and approving reports relating to institutional recognition (and re-recognition) of Collaborative Education (CE) partnerships;
  • Approving, suspending and withdrawing courses to be delivered at the partner institution under the scope of the partnership agreement, with due consideration of obligations to provide timely notification of such changes to applicants and/or students as applicable;
  • Making recommendations to UET regarding withdrawal from existing CE partnerships
  • Receiving and approving reports relating to institutional recognition (and re-recognition) of Collaborative Education (CE) partnerships;
  • approving, suspending and withdrawing courses to be delivered at the partner institution under the scope of the partnership agreement, with due consideration of obligations to provide timely notification of such changes to applicants and/or students as applicable;
  • Making recommendations to UET regarding withdrawal from existing CE partnerships.


CPASC meets on a termly basis (or more frequently at the discretion of the Chair). It reports to UEC. Committee papers will be accessible on СÀ¶ÊÓƵ Direct. Papers are usually to be submitted to the CPASC Secretary at least 10 working days prior to the Committee meeting. Further information regarding the processes and the relevant paperwork for each type of proposal are included in the sections below.


For any questions, please contact the CPASC Secretary, Kristina Rudge at K.Rudge@sussex.ac.uk

CPASC Approval Process (New Partnerships)

Initial development:

Proposal leads should contact Academic Quality and Partnerships and, for TNE, Global Engagement, for advice on the correct route for initial proposals to be considered. The Global and Civic Engagement Committee and, for TNE, the TNE Steering Group will analyse the proposal with respect to the University’s strategic objectives and provide advice to the University Education Team (UET) on the suitability of the proposal for further development.

UET is responsible for approving proposals to proceed to the next stage.

CPASC Stage 1 Proposal: 
CPASC Stage 1 approval: Once approval has been received for the outline case, you may then submit a Stage 1 form to the Secretary of CPASC for consideration at the next available meeting of CPASC (click box for form). Stage 1 is the initial academic plan for the new partnership.
This includes:
i. Assessment of strategic alignment
ii. Outline academic case
iii. Initial due diligence report
iv. International Business Development Research Report (for TNE only)
v. Where new courses are being proposed, the following additional forms are required:
- For new СÀ¶ÊÓƵ courses, CPASC Stage 1 New Course Proposal form , or
- For Validation Partnerships (single stage approval), the New Course Proposal (Validation) form 
Approval from CPASC
CPASC considers the Stage 1 proposal. If approval is given, the proposal may proceed to Stage 2. The CPASC secretary will provide a set of 'next steps' instructions to course teams at this stage.
CPASC Stage 2 Proposal:
Stage 2 paperwork should then be completed (click box for form). Stage 2 is the detailed academic plan.
This includes:
i. Finance report
ii. Response to Committee comments at Stage 1
iii. Course structure - who will deliver each module, where and by what means
iv. Resources required to deliver partnership
v. For proposals involving new СÀ¶ÊÓƵ courses, a CPASC Stage 2 New Course Proposal form 
CPASC Approval
CPASC considers the Stage 2 proposal. If approval is given, a recommendation will be made that the proposal should proceed to the UET outline case.
UET (Outline Case):
The outline case should then be submitted to UET.
The paper must include:
i. a summary of CPASC's consideration and recommendations
ii. A full due diligence report
iii. Outline business and strategic case
UET will be asked to approve the proposal to progress to the completion of a full business case.
UET (Full Case):
If UET approves the outline case, the proposing team should then submit the full business case to UET. This will include reports of site visits that have been made to the prospective partner.
UET will be asked to approve the full business case, pending its final approval of the proposal following satisfactory completion of the Institutional Recognition and Course Validation processes.
Institutional Recognition and Course Validation:

If UET approves the full business case, the Institutional Recognition and Course Validation process may commence. AQP (Partnership) will provide a set of 'next steps' guidance at this stage.

Institutional Recognition of the partner is carried out in accordance with the established process set out by the Academic Quality and Partnerships office in its Partnership Handbook. The outcome of the Institutional Recognition process will be reported to and approved by CPASC.
Validation of any new courses for TNE is carried out in accordance with the established process set out by AQP in the Partnership Handbook.
The outcome of the course validation will be reported and approved by UEC.
UET Final Approval: 
UET Final Approval: At the final approval stage, UET will receive:
- final drafts of any legal documentation required for the creation of the partnership
- reports from the Institutional Recognition and Course Validation processes
- a risk register for the implementation of any TNE activities
UET will be asked to give final approval for the signing of the legal documentation and commencement of the partnership. This decision is then reported to Senate.
Stage 1 Proposal

Stage 1 new partnership proposals should be completed on the form provided below and submitted to the Secretary of CPASC at least 10 working days before the CPASC meeting date.

 Stage 1 Proposal Form

Stage 2 Proposal

Stage 2 new partnership proposals should be completed on the form provided below and submitted to the Secretary of CPASC at least 10 working days before the next CPASC meeting date. 

Stage 2 Proposal Form 

Stage 1 New Course Proposal

For Stage 1 approval of new СÀ¶ÊÓƵ courses delivered through collaborative education or TNE, proposals should be completed on the form provided below and submitted to the Secretary of CPASC at least 10 working days before the next CPASC meeting date.

CPASC Stage 1 New Course Proposal Form
Stage 2 New Course Proposal 

For Stage 1 approval of new СÀ¶ÊÓƵ courses delivered through collaborative education or TNE, proposals should be completed on the form provided below and submitted to the Secretary of CPASC at least 10 working days before the next CPASC meeting date.

CPASC Stage 2 New Course Proposal Form

New Course Proposal (validation)

For CPASC approcal of a new validated course, proposals should be completed on the form provided below and submitted to the Secretary of CPASC at least 10 working days before the next CPASC meeting date. 

CPASC New Course Proposal Partner Institutions (Validation)

CPASC - Title Change Proposal Form

CPASC - Title Change Proposal Form

CPASC- Withdrawal or Suspension Form

CPASC- Withdrawal or Suspension Form