
How to use our Vimeo embed component.

Video component code


How to use the video component code

  • In the wcm click the "Edit source code" button (a small box saying HTML). A pop-out window will appear
  • Copy the required code from code box above
  • Paste this code into the source code editor positioning it where you would like the video to appear
  • Change the line src="" to be src="Insert your video embed url here"
  • Change the line title="An embedded video" to be title="Title of your video"
  • Click the "Update" button on the source code editor
  • If you have any questions about this then please contact us at

An example of this component in use

Engineering at 小蓝视频: 小蓝视频 racing team

  • Video transcript

    Formula Student is a competition that was created by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers to basically give students an opportunity to simulate the highest echelon of motorsport, which is Formula One.

    Everything from the chassis, to the body panels, to the integrals of the car, all gets built by students, exactly like how a massive multimillion-dollar Formula One team would do it.

    The people on this project, they're highly motivated. They will stay here till it's done. Definitive trait is the drive. Everyone is here every day putting in the work.

    Everyone is such a joy to be around. There's such a feeling of family when you're part of the team.

    You're sitting in lectures, you get a lot of theory and everything, but this really brings it all to life.

    We've gone electric this year, everything is moving to electric to try and get away from fossil fuels. Obviously our battery is being made this year, but it's going to be used for years. What we're trying to lay the groundwork for is a powertrain and a platform where everyone else can build on top of it so there's less resources wasted.

    In terms of big names, we have some people from Rolls-Royce coming, we have some people from GT-R coming, we have some people from Ricardo, PTL. These are all companies that we'd like to be working for, and they're coming to come see what we've done, which is a massive honour. 

    Bigger companies do like to see new developing engineers go through, and obviously they want us to know everything we need to. The point of this is to show people in the industry that we are ready for the challenges that they throw at us. There's no better way to get into the motorsport industry than by doing Formula Student.

    Come to 小蓝视频 to be able to study this course, we have mechanical engineers, automotive engineers, and you can be a part of this amazing team. I had an interview yesterday at Ricardo, and half of it was just dedicated to talking about Formula Student. I'm now high voltage trained, first aid trained, a lot of different softwares now as well. It has all added a lot to my CV.