Health and Safety

Covid-19 Health & Safety resources

See the health and safety arrangements in place as continue to live with Covid-19.

Accessing LFD tests

LFD tests are readily available at multiple retailers, including on campus at the . For the sake of clarity, the university are not covering the cost of LFD tests.

How to take an LFD test

To complete an LFD test please follow the instruction supplied with the LFD test as LFD test vary depending on manufacturer.

Covid absences should be reported to your line manager and on the University leave absence system Myview

A majority of the guidance documents have been moved to the archived drop down below as they are no longer applicable to current work practices.

The winter guidance is still applicable as it relates to both ventilation of spaces and thermal comfort

Winter Ventilation and Temperature Guidance

Thermal Comfort Assessment Template for line managers

UoS Winter Wellness Guidelines

For access to previous guidance documents that can be used to review best practice please see the archived guidance drop down below

As of 24 Feburary 2022, the UK government is no longer enforcing mandatory isolations for those that have tested positive for Covid-19.

The University recomends that, in the interest of campus health, Staff and students do not attend campus for five days from the date of the first positive test. Staff and students can continue to engage with their work via remote methods if they are able.

For more details about Covid-19 are available from the , including what to do if symptoms persist.


Pre covid travel arrangements have been resinstated please see the Health and Safety A-Z under "Travel on University Buisness and of Campus working"

As part of the phased re-opening of our campus, risk assessments have been updated regularly.

Given that the control strategy is shifting to being focused on testing and vaccination a single campus risk assessment is now appropriate rather than building by building assessments. RIsk assessments can be found in the . Previous building risk assessments are no longer applicable but are still available for reference.

Risk assessments have been completed using a standard 5 by 5 grid which is used to consider the residual risk. This is a recommended approach from the an example of the grid used by the University is shown below in figure 1.

The severity of risk from a covid infection has been lowered from a 5 to a 3 for vaccinated people. Consideration has been given to unvaccinated cohorts (under 18s), individuals that may be immune supressed and the voluntarily unvaccinated.

The University has taken the decision to maintain existing enhanced ventilation protocols in all University managed buildings. This maximises external air being brought into buildings, this will be reviewed in November with reference to the current risk from covid, University climate and energy use targets and temperature inside buildings.

For School or Divisional activities which go beyond general teaching or office work activity, such as field trips, overseas travel or some research activity, specific risk assessments may be required.

Guidance for specific activities can be found above under ’Guidance for Specific Activities’ drop-down option.


Figure 1


The University has taken the decision to maintain existing advanced ventilation protocols in all University-managed buildings. This maximises external air being brought into buildings. It will be reviewed in November with reference to the current risk from Covid, University climate and energy-use targets and the temperature inside buildings.

SEF engineers have rigorously applied all of the available guidance from the government and from authorities on ventilation about how to control the risks of Covid-19 and other airborne diseases. The University are following the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) ventilation standards. See the University’s information about the measures that have been implemented on ventilation systems in campus buildings.

Prior to the return to campus working a member of the Health & Safety Team physically assessed any accessible room that is marked on the space plans as holding 7 or more people and does not have external mechanical ventilation (discounting cupboards and other similar areas). This is being done with reference to step 2 of the .

If having reviewed this information you have specific queries with regards to ventilation within your work area these can be raised with the University by completing the form available below. By completing this form you will enable us to efficiently address any specific areas of concern

Guidance below is not current СÀ¶ÊÓƵ policy, but may be of use to specific members of the University.

Guidance for Teaching Spaces (Rescinded)

Guidance for Office Spaces (Rescinded)

Guidance for Performing Arts (Rescinded)

Guidance for Close Contact Work (Rescinded)

Guidance for Events (Rescinded)

Guidance for Laboratory Areas (Rescinded)

Guidance for Researchers on Face to Face work with Human Participants (Rescinded)

Facemasks are not currently mandated on campus for those that choose to wear them the guidance below has been retained

How do I wear a face covering correctly?

When wearing a face covering you should:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on
  • Avoid wearing on your neck or forehead
  • Avoid touching the part of the face covering in contact with your mouth and nose, as it could become contaminated with the virus
  • Change the face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it

This instructional video from the World Health Organisation tells you how to wear a face mask safely.

What is the difference between a facemask and a face covering?

facemask is a form of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as a fluid-resistant surgical mask, typically used in healthcare settings. A School or divisional risk assessment will identify circumstances in which facemasks are required to be worn as PPE. Face coverings are not a form of PPE and are typically cloth coverings for the nose and mouth.

Watch this video to find out more about the differences.

What face covering should I wear?

A face covering should:

  • Cover your nose and mouth while allowing you to breathe comfortably
  • Fit comfortably but securely against the side of your face
  • Be secured to your head with ties or ear loops
  • Be made of a material that you find comfortable and breathable, such as cotton. Ideally it is made of at least two layers of fabric (the World Health Organisation recommends three depending on the fabric used). The face covering may include a clear panel to allow lip reading and facial clues to aid communication.

There are many types of face covering available and choosing one to suit you may be difficult. At present the World Health Organisation recommends masks that meet the criteria outlined in this video.

What to do with your face covering after wearing it?

Disposable face coverings should be disposed of as non-recyclable waste in a bin for general waste.

How should I wash my face covering?

  • Unless it is disposable, you should wash reusable a face covering after each time you wear it, at the highest temperature appropriate for the fabric.
  • In the case of purchased covering, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Face coverings can be washed with other items of laundry according to the fabric washing instructions.

Where am I required to wear a face covering?

For a list of areas where face coverings are mandated, see .

 Mass testing and lateral flow devices.

Information for students

If you get queries from current students, direct them to the .

Prospective students who are thinking of studying at СÀ¶ÊÓƵ should be directed to our Coronavirus advice for applicants.

More information

You can see how we are responding to Covid-19 as a university.