Partnerships for the goals

Our external partnerships and collaborations enable us to carry out research, advance progress towards achieving the SDGs and contribute to society locally, nationally and globally. By working together, we are able to maximise impact as well as benefit from each other鈥檚 networks and expertise.

SSRP is an outward-facing research programme with the aim of fostering research collaborations across campus and beyond. We are committed to building and nurturing a strong network of partners and collaborators. Nearly all of our projects involve new or ongoing partnerships and external collaborations which support and enable our research community in carrying out excellent research with impact. 

2020/2021 external collaborations 

Take a look at the list of external collaborators and stakeholders our SSRP community collaborated with as part of their 2020/2021 SSRP funded and flagged projects.

  • UK local stakeholders
    • Brighton & Hove Allotment Federation
    • Brighton & Hove Food Partnership
    • Brighton & Hove Man and Biosphere
    • Buglife
    • Bumblebee Conservation Trust
    • Buzz Club
    • Falcon Coffees
    • Freegle
    • Girls Who Grind Coffee
    • Grown in Britain
    • Pro Baristas
    • Small Batch Coffee Roasters
    • South Downs National Park
    • 小蓝视频 Wildlife Trust
    • Tangent Energy
  • UK government
    • All-Party Parliamentary Group on the SDGs
    • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
    • Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
    • Office for National Statistics (ONS)
    • UK Environment Agency (EA)
    • UK Met Office
  • Collaborations at country-level 
    • American University in Cairo, Egypt
    • Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI), South Africa
    • African Population Health Research Centre, Kenya
    • Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Ethiopia
    • Banaras Hindu University, India
    • Bangladesh High Commission
    • Beijing Normal University, China
    • Coral Conservation and Community Development, Creative Action Tank (CAT), Indonesia
    • Centre for Pollination Studies Calcutta, India
    • Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), India
    • Central University of Finance and Economics, China
    • Centre for Climate Change Studies/Institute of Resource Assessment-University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
    • Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ)
    • Centro de Conservación Investigación y Manejo de Areas Naturales (CIMA), Peru
    • Corbana, Costa Rica
    • Dublin Institute of Technology
    • Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
    • Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
    • Eritrean Institute of Technology (EiT), Eritrea
    • Future Agriculture Consortium and Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya
    • Ghana High Commission
    • Icafe, Costa Rica
    • ICPAC – IGAS Climate Prediction and Applications Centre, Kenya
    • IGAD Reginal Food Security and Nutrition Steering Group, Kenya
    • Indonesia Program Lead (PM), Coral Conservation and Community Development
    • India Meteorological Department (IMD)
    • Indian Institute of Human Settlements (India)
    • Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
    • Institute of Endemic Diseases, University of Khartoum, Sudan
    • Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV), Braz
    • JP Grant School of Public Health, Bangladesh
    • Kenya Meteorological Department
    • Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS)
    • Maastricht University, Netherlands
    • Marine Science and Research Centre for Pacific Marine Resources, University of Papua (UNIPA), Manokwari, Indonesia
    • National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Egypt
    • National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), Kenya
    • New Guinea Binatang Research Centre NOPOKI-UCSS, Peru
    • Ocean State Forecast Services, India
    • Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Tajikistan
    • Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research
    • Papua New Guinea University of Technology
    • Peoples Science Institute, India
    • Research Centre for Pacific Marine Resources, University of Papua (UNIPA)
    • Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture
    • San Francisco University, Quito, Ecuador
    • Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
    • State Disaster Management Authority, India
    • State Emergency Operations Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, India
    • Toxicslink NGO, India
    • Universidad de Costa Rica
    • Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Brazil
    • Universidad Federal do Reconcavo de Bahia, Brazil
    • Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía - UNIA, Peru
    • University of Buea, Cameroon
    • University of Cape Town, South Africa
    • University of California, UCSF Centre of Vulnerable Population, USA
    • University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China
    • University of Ghana University of Science and Technology (CUSAT)
    • Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Collaborations at international-level
    • Bats without Borders
    • Convention on Biological Diversity
    • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
    • International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
    • International Water Management Institute
    • Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
    • Stop TB Partnership
    • UN Environment (UNEP)
  • Others
    • BOND
    • Chatham House
    • Conservation Research Africa
    • Environmental Funders Network
    • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
    • National Trust
    • Not1More
    • Overseas Development Institute
    • Pesticide Action Network (PAN) 
    • Save the Children UK 
    • UK National Farmers Union
    • Vision 2030
    • Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO)
    • Wilton Park 
    • WWF UK