СÀ¶ÊÓƵ Estates and Facilities

Print and Reprographic Unit SLA


Central Reprographics Service
Service Level Provision

The Print Unit will provide an assisted photocopying and digital printing service, including black and white and colour copying/printing and binding, between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Thursday, and 9.00am and 4.30pm on Fridays, in Hastings Building.

Walk-in service hours for in-person customers are 9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.

Where possible all work requests will be completed by the date stated on the requisition. Undated requests (including those marked 'ASAP') will be treated as non-urgent.

At peak times a first come, first served system will apply. We offer no guarantees that requested deadlines will be met at peak times.

Turnaround time is normally 2-3 working days from receipt of order, subject to size and complexity of the job. In September/October turnaround time is up to 5 working days due to the volume of work during this period.

Responsibilities of users

To ensure that photocopying work is submitted in good time to allow its completion within service hours.

To allow a minimum of 3 working days for completion of submitted work except where faster turnaround has been agreed in advance. To allow 5 working days for completion of work in the September/October period.

Managed Printing Service
Service Level Provision

The Print Unit will provide a managed printing service between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Thursday, 9.00am to 4.30pm Friday.

All printing work will be produced on site or placed with a University-approved supplier, except where the work cannot be undertaken by such a supplier.

The Print Unit will provide estimates for printing work to requestors as required, within 2 working days of enquiry.

The Print Unit will provide proofs in an appropriate format where requested.

Turnaround time is normally 5 working days from receipt of proof approval, subject to size and complexity of the job. For large or complex jobs, turnaround time is up to 7 working days from proof approval. Requestor to be informed where turnaround time exceeds 7 working days.

All externally sourced printing will be recharged to the requestor at cost plus the contract charge of 11.11% of the value of the job.

Responsibilities of users

To ensure that all printing work is undertaken by an approved supplier, except where authorised by the Print & Reprographics Manager.

To provide an official purchase order for the full value of the job on placement of order.

To check all proofs carefully and provide written approval prior to printing. To accept responsibility for copy errors not picked up at the proofing stage.

To allow a minimum of 7 working days (including proofing time), plus a minimum of 5 working days where typesetting is required, for the completion of work requests. To give notice of time-sensitive jobs in advance; lead times for such jobs to be set by agreement with the Print & Reprographics Manager.

ID cards
Service Level Provision

The Print Unit will provide replacements for lost/stolen ID cards within 5 working days of receipt of request. Stolen cards will be replaced free of charge upon receipt of a valid police crime number. Lost or damaged cards will be charged at £10.00 each.

All requests should be made by completing the relevant request form.

Responsibilities of users

To provide a valid police crime reference number or pay £10.00 each for replacement ID cards.

To abide by the Terms and Conditions of use of student ID cards as set out on the Print Unit ID cards web page.

Service Level Provision

Completed print/copy jobs will be dispatched to the reception or porter's office nearest to the requestor's location via the internal post/delivery service, accompanied by a delivery note, except where other collection or delivery arrangements have been agreed in advance. 

The Print Unit is not responsible for work once it has been signed for by premises staff at the delivery point.

Responsibilities of users

To accept responsibility for jobs once dispatched via internal post. Where this is not acceptable, to notify the Print Unit in advance and to agree to collect finished jobs from the Print Unit.

To agree other special delivery arrangements with the Print & Reprographics Manager in advance where required.